
General Terms and Conditions

General Transport Conditions

The provisions of the Netherlands General Transport Conditions 2002 (Algemene Vervoercondities 2002 - AVC), such as the version most recently filed with the registries of the courts in Amsterdam and Rotterdam, apply to all agreements concerning road transport. Road transport across international borders is conducting according to the provisions of the CMR Convention.

General Terms and Conditions for Forwarding

The most recent version of the Netherlands Forwarding Conditions (Nederlandse Expeditievoorwarden), including the arbitration clause, filed by FENEX with the registry/registries of the district court(s) in Amsterdam and Rotterdam apply to all our forwarding activities. All our activities are subject to Dutch law. Any claims that 2B Shipping may bring to court pursuant to Article 23 (1) of the Dutch Forwarding Conditions (Nederlandse Expeditievoorwarden) are under the exclusive jurisdiction of the competent Dutch court for 2B Shipping’s business location. The conditions have been made available to you prior to or upon conclusion of the agreement and will be sent free of charge upon request. The Dutch Forwarding Conditions (Nederlandse Expeditievoorwaarden) can also be downloaded and read on the FENEX website provided below.

General Terms and Conditions for Storage

The Netherlands Storage Conditions (Nederlandse Opslagvoorwaarden) apply to all our storage (warehousing) activities. These can also be downloaded via the link provided below and are available on the FENEX website.

General Transport Conditions 2002 (AVC):

CMR Convention:

Dutch Forwarding Conditions (FENEX):

Available via the following link in German, English, French and Dutch.

Dutch Storage Conditions (FENEX):

Available via the following link in German, English, French and Dutch.