
After her graduation and work placement period, Jet Stoop (22) was offered a job. Jet came into contact with Farm Trans via an open call on LinkedIn. Thanks to the smooth and spontaneous interview, she decided to start her work placement — and she did it successfully: she now has her diploma! The biggest reason to stick around? “Farm Trans has an incredibly nice team. I really felt at home and the work is enjoyable and varied.”

Jet explains that from her very first moment at Farm Trans, she felt part of the team as well as included behind the scenes. Her work placement in three words? “Educational, friendly and challenging.” The high degree of independence made the work placement challenging. The educational part predominantly lies in identifying situations in practice and applying your knowledge. A book never talks back to you, so practical situations are very different.

In addition to becoming part of the HR team, Jet has also written an improvement proposal, which formed her graduation assignment. “I had good supervision whilst writing my assignment, and, after discussing it, I was allowed to implement parts that were of interest to the organisation and were in keeping with my improvement plan.” The theme of the proposal was to devise preventive measures regarding absenteeism.

In the role of “Junior HR Services Staff Member”, Jet deals with the HR process concerning new incoming and outgoing colleagues. There is enough variety in terms of work: one moment you are preparing an information pack, and the next you are answering a colleague’s question. Jet explains with a huge grin: “Every day is different. You don’t always know what awaits: it might just be that you unexpectedly take on a different task in the meantime. This keeps you nice and busy all day. I find that particularly appealing. You need to be able to plan well and prioritise.”

Looking back at the past period, Jet explains that above all, she found it special. The warm welcome within the company was the main reason for this. “I found the atmosphere great and that felt very good.” Finally, Jet wants to say that despite the location of the office not being ideal in terms of accessibility via public transport, Farm Trans is happy to open this up for discussion with current and future work-placement students.

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